Released October 16, 2015

Dear OA LodgeMaster Users,

The OA LodgeMaster team is very happy to announce the release of Version 3.3.6! We've fixed 4 bugs, made 1 improvements, and added 1 new feature - HTML formatting & spell checker for sending emails.

Highlights of the release:
- We've added the ability to use HTML formatting when you send email messages - this includes fonts, images, links and much more. We've also added a spell checker to both the HTML editor and the plain text editor. Be sure to check out all the new options for sending emails.
- We've added the ability to print the unit type and unit number on membership cards.

Go to to access the online system, and if needed, download the offline version. As always, if you have questions or problems, please submit a request online (

Yours in Brotherhood,

The OA LodgeMaster Team
Mike, Rob, Mike, Dave, Mike, Rob, Chadd, and Scott

What Changed In This Version?

Improvements & New Features

[OALMLC-423] - Add HTML Capability To Email Messages
[OALMLC-462] - Add Spell Check To the Email Composer

[OALMLC-285] - Unit Type & Number On Membership Cards


Charter & JTE
[OALMLC-866] - JTE Unit Visits Calculation Change

[OALMLC-867] - Clan Generator Error With No Chapter

[OALMLC-832] - Contact Information Missing From Member Record
[OALMLC-860] - Reorder Dues Input Fields

What If I Have Questions?

Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions - this will allow each of the team members to respond as they have time - instead of sending all questions to one member of the development team. You can submit a ticket online ( or via email at