
The LodgeMaster team is adding a number of data retention policies to ensure that lodges have enough history to be able to operate successfully and see past history, but also to ensure that each lodge's database remains a manageable size and operates optimally. Besides the specific policies mentioned below, all other data will be retained indefinitely. Any changes to this policy going forward will be announced in advance to all lodges.


  • Sent emails will be retained for 2 years. (Starting January 1st, 2019, updated to 2 years starting February 1, 2024)
    • Email attachments for sent emails will be retained for 2 years. 
    • Email images will be retained for 2 years 
    • Detailed email activity (opens, clicks, and bounces) will be retained for 2 years. 


  • Member change history - a history of all changes to each member will be retained for 5 years. (Starting January 1st, 2019)


  • User login history - the last 50 login history records are retained for each user. (Existing version 3.0 policy.)

  • Invited Users - Unclaimed invited users will be deleted after 30 days. (Starting January 1st, 2019)

  • Deleted Users - Users that have been deleted and have no login history and no member change history will be removed after 30 days. Users that have been deleted with only login history and no member change history will be removed after 6 months. (Starting August 1, 2019)
  • No labels